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Wind energy today

Wind delivers the energy society wants

  1. European citizens and businesses want reliable, affordable and clean energy.
  2. The war in Ukraine is a stark reminder imported fossil fuels do not deliver that.
  3. Wind is a local energy source, it is competitive, clean and scalable. Delivering the wind volumes set out in REPowerEU, Europe’s energy security strategy, will save 65 bcm of gas, reinforcing Europe’s energy independence.
  4. Every new turbine reduces Europe’s energy imports and exposure to volatile fossil fuel prices. And helps minimise power bills.
  5. Wind is an increasingly stable form of power supply. New onshore wind farms now operate at 30-45% capacity factors and new offshore wind farms at 50% +.
  6. Advances in technology make it easier to manage energy systems with large shares of wind energy. Wind turbines are increasingly flexible: able to operate at lower wind speeds and to be more aligned with energy demand. And they help control frequency and voltage in the grid.
  7. Digitalisation optimises wind energy output and is improving the design of turbines and wind farms. It’s making it easier to maintain equipment and extend its lifetime.
  8. Wind power emits zero carbon, SOx, NOx or PM. It emits ~95% less CO2 than electricity from gas and ~98% less CO2 than electricity from coal. And consumes hardly any water. The CO2 footprint of wind turbines is negligible: a turbine pays off its lifecycle emissions in 6-9 months of operation.
  9. The wind industry is constantly improving the materials it uses. 85-90% of a turbine is recyclable. We are working towards full circularity in the wind supply chain and to limit biodiversity impacts. We are committed to engaging with local communities and to happy coexistence with other economic and societal interests, including fishing and aviation and by working with environmental NGOs.

Wind gives Europeans wider social and economic benefits

  1. Wind is a strategic industry for Europe. It is central to Europe’s energy security strategy. It is 370,000 quality jobs and contributes €57.2bn to Europe’s GDP. On average each new onshore turbine added €15m to the European economy and every new offshore turbine added €27m economic activity. Its 248 factories are all over Europe including in economically-deprived regions. Wind is a major European exporter.
  2. Wind farms bring economic benefits, e.g. €10bn in taxes, to the places they’re located. They provide jobs and investments in local often rural communities. Collective ownership models help share revenues locally and give citizens a stake in their energy supply.
  3. With its European supply chain and local benefits wind helps deliver an inclusive and just energy transition. 70-80% of Europeans support wind energy, even more among those who live near wind farms. The industry is committed to help re-skill those who’ve worked in fossil fuels.
  4. Wind is helping to decarbonise industry. Heavy industry used to worry about the costs of wind and its impact on energy systems. Now they want wind. Companies in chemicals, steel, ICT, aluminium, transport, pharma, and food/drink are now sourcing power directly from wind farms on long-term supply agreements.

Wind will be the backbone of Europe’s energy system

  1. Wind now meets 20% of Europe’s electricity demand and much more in many countries: Denmark 56%; Ireland 36%; Germany 31%; UK 29%; Netherlands 27%; Spain 27%. The IEA expects wind to be the no. 1 source of power in Europe by 2027.
  2. The EU Commission see wind being half of Europe’s electricity by 2050, with wind energy capacity rising from 220 GW today to up to 1,300 GW. That entails a 15x increase in offshore wind in the EU. But most of the GW capacity increase will come from onshore wind.
  3. Europe needs to accelerate the build-out of wind to deliver REPowerEU. The EU is set to build 18 GW a year of new capacity over 2023-27. But it needs 30 GW a year to meet the objectives set out in REPowerEU. The energy transition also requires doubling annual investments in electricity grids by 2025.
  4. The further expansion of wind energy will be driven by new wind farms on new sites. But it also requires significant investment in the repowering and lifetime extension of existing wind farms. Nearly half of Europe’s existing wind farms will reach the end of their normal life by 2030.
  5. The expansion of wind requires (a) progress on electrification; (b) preserving and expanding Europe’s wind supply chain; (c) the right policies, notably on planning and permitting; and (d) the right energy markets and grids.


  1. Electricity is less than a quarter of Europe’s energy mix today. The EU want it to be 57% by 2050, and 75% including indirect electrification with the production of renewable hydrogen.
  2. Renewables-based electrification of transport, buildings and industrial processes will drive their decarbonisation, boost energy efficiency and unlock the benefits of “sector integration”.
  3. Key priorities are: incentivising uptake of EVs and accelerating deployment of charging infrastructure; investing in heat-pumps and the electrification of district heating and industry; and scaling up renewable hydrogen for those sectors that cannot be electrified directly.

A competitive supply chain

  1. The huge expansion of wind requires a strong manufacturing base. The EU must recognise the value the European wind supply chain brings to the economy and society, and put a premium on ‘Made in Europe’;
  2. The European wind energy supply chain is struggling as a result of low market volumes and cost pressure due to slow and cumbersome permitting, poor auction design and uncoordinated EU Trade policies.
  3. A strong industrial policy for wind means:
    1. market scale: national auction volumes aligned with REPowerEU, underpinned by accelerated permitting;
    2. the right auction design: technology-specific auctions, indexed to reflect possible increases in commodity prices, avoiding uncapped negative bidding where the industry pays for the privilege of building a wind farm, and including prequalification and non-price criteria that reflect the value that European manufacturers bring in terms of energy resilience and security, system integration, sustainability, and community engagement;
    3. the right trade policies: open markets so we can import key components and materials and export high value-added finished products;
    4. an EU export strategy for renewables that tackles market barriers in third countries and helps us compete with low-cost finance from Asia;
    5. investing in R&D: continuous research and innovation in today’s technologies and in digitalisation, recyclable turbines, system flexibility including wind+ hybrid and grid optimisation;
    6. proactive workforce development; qualifications have to reflect industry needs and be recognised across borders; and
    7. funding and finance targeting the infrastructure needed for the expansion of renewables and the delivery or REPowerEU such as wind technology manufacturing, electricity grids, ports, and renewable hydrogen.

The right policies

  1. Clearer and simpler rules on the planning and permitting recognising renewables as being in the overriding public interest, and meeting the EU’s binding deadlines: 2 years for new projects and 1 year for repowering;
  2. Safeguarding all routes to market for wind energy: Contracts-for Difference, Power Purchase Agreements and merchant investments;
  3. Avoiding abrupt and uncoordinated energy market interventions that undermine investor confidence and put the accelerated deployment of wind at risk. Emergency measures to help Europeans deal with energy crises must be time bound and avoid undermining investments signals and the integrity of the internal energy market.
  4. Robust CO2 prices driven by the ETS and relevant national or regional measures notably in the non-ETS sector; and

The right energy markets and grids:

  1. Expanding, modernising and digitalising transmission and distribution networks: onshore and offshore; in-country and across borders. Existing grid capacity needs to be fully optimised.
  2. Europe needs to overhaul its energy planning. Grid planning needs greater political oversight to ensure it delivers on net zero. It must prioritise cost-effective and energy efficient pathways with the right anticipatory investments, which in most cases will be direct electrification.
  3. System operators must deal with short-term bottlenecks to minimise curtailment and grid connection delays. And the regulatory framework must support the development and introduction of new grid and system integration technologies.
  4. Information about the grid is central to the operation of the electricity system. The lack of reliable information on congestion and available grid capacity is slowing down renewables deployment. Authorities must regularly publish data on grid congestion, curtailment and available capacity for new connections.
  5. More dynamic and larger intraday markets, common balancing platforms and products to cover wider trading areas;
  6. Full and equal access for renewables to ancillary services markets. Rewards for flexibility including demand response, storage, inertia and fast frequency response; and
  7. Fully leveraging the potential of storage, demand response, cross-border capacity and other non-fossil flexibility resources including via climate proof capacity remuneration mechanisms.

If all this happens, wind energy will be at the core of a home-grown, resilient, cost-efficient and climate neutral energy system.
